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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

In the family of St Paul's, we live and learn with Jesus' loving arms around us.



Year 5 2021/22


Anti bullying week

For anti bullying week we were very lucky to have Rupee come in and do a workshop with us. Not only did he talk about what physical bullying is, he spoke about cyber bullying and how emotional bullying can have a very negative impact on someone’s life. We really enjoyed our session and we were really good at creating freeze frames too!

Our maths lesson with parents

Thank you so much to the parents who joined us for our maths lesson. We loved having you and showing you what we do in our daily maths lessons. We love to be challenged in maths and we enjoy learning different ways to solve problems that sometimes include using physical resources.

We hope to do the same thing again next term!

Our Brave Workshop

On Tuesday 19th October, members from BRAVE ( Building Resilience Against Violence and Extremism ) visited St Paul’s to speak to our year 5 and 6 pupils about gangs and extremism. The provider began by asking - What makes a good citizen?

A good citizen

  • Respects people and property
  • Takes responsibility for their actions
  • Is honest and trustworthy
  • Cares for others
  • Protects the environment

During the day the pupils found out that a gang can be three or more people engaged in criminal activity. The pupils learned how gangs groom young people to carry out crimes and we discussed ways to prevent this.

We also learned about that extremist groups target young people online and we discussed ways to keep safe online. The pupils could identify three people they could speak to if they were worried about gangs, extremism or online safety.

We ended the session with reminding ourselves what a good citizen is, and that we shouldn’t be half-hearted when faced with gangs or extremists, we should be fearless and say No!

Year 5 - 2020/21

Our School Pilgrimage

We conducted a school pilgrimage around the site and prayed for many people in war torn countries and those who seek a better life by travelling to our country along with many others. Those people have to leave behind their families, friends and homes in search of a better life and they travel a very long way in order to find their salvation. We prayed to give them strength, guidance and success in bettering themselves and being able to provide for their families. We don't want them to be fearful. Year 5 are very good at considering others and our prayers are very heartfelt.


For our second field trip we went up through the new estate which was very exciting for those who live there and ended up at Aldi.

We decided to conduct a survey on the types of cars and people going to Aldi over a short period of time. We couldn't believe how popular the supermarket was and how friendly all of the customers were to us. Not only did we get an abundance of waves, but also thumbs up, beeps and smiles. We definitely cheered up the crowds with our excitement and had so much fun.

Kings Norton Green and the Canal

As part of our Geography unit on the local area we decided to take a sunny walk up to the Green in Kings Norton via the canal.

We discussed the use of the canal for trading purposes as well as travel which also linked to various historical topics we have learnt about this year as well as showing the children how vital it was for to have such a great way of moving things around. It helped us to understand why the town of King Norton was built where it was. We then went to the green and looked at the different types of shops there, creating a survey and ended the day with a peaceful walk around the church and a prayer. 

HSBC Workshop

We had the pleasure of taking part in an online session with a lovely man from HSBC.

We learnt all about costs when owning a house in the future and the sort of money we might earn one day.

It was a great session and it has given us a good insight into the future.

The Waseley Hills

What a wonderful day we have had! We have been climbing up the Waseley hills in order to give us an idea of just how challenging climbing a mountain would be. We have waded through mud, built some dens and rolled down hills. We have had a great amount of fresh air and have worked our legs hard.

Here are some photos of our lovely morning:

St Paul's Retreat days 2020-2021

Retreat number 1 - 20.11.2020

We have had a wonderful day thinking about Jesus, ourselves and each other.

We have thought about our school virtues and the virtues of love, hope, faith and patience. We have considered how we can show more of these virtues in our actions and our words.

We have spoken to Jesus in letters and we have also drawn our own image of him.

In the afternoon, we looked at climate change and the affect it is having on our earth. Hopefully our posters will educate others about it too.

What a fantastic day it has been to end our week!  

Retreat day number 2 - 11.12.2020

We had another retreat day linked to Advent this time. We had a very prayerful day and thought about the journey that Mary and Joseph took to Bethlehem where Jesus was born. We created images throughout the day of this journey and the people/animals involved. We considered how Mary and Joseph were feeling during this time and the struggles they faced internally through questions. We also painted our own versions of the nativity scene for a competition. Let's hope we get some winners for our school!

First place went to Paanya!

Retreat day number 3 - Vocations day (June 2021)

Year 5 absolutely loved considering their future professions during this day and sharing their hopes and dreams.

We have a range of future plans ranging from being a vet to an army officer; a police person to a hairdresser and a nurse to a social worker.

Hearing some of the jobs on the videos provided gave some of our class ideas about other future careers they hadn't ever considered too like becoming a midwife or a councilor of some kind. The children really enjoyed hearing about why people work in the job they have and it really made them think about whether or not they are the right person for the job they want and how they might get there.

We found the whole day very inspiring!