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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

In the family of St Paul's, we live and learn with Jesus' loving arms around us.



RE progression in Advent

Year 1 
The children in year 1 have learnt about Advent. They know that it is a time of waiting and preparation for Jesus' birthday. They enjoyed writing Advent prayers. 


Year 2
Year two learnt that Advent is a season of preparation. They learnt the stories of Advent in more details such as the Annunciation. They had some more ways that St Paul's parish would get ready for Christmas. 

Year 3 
Year 3 learnt about the stories of the Annunciation and Visitation in more detail. They understood that Mary and Elizabeth recognised the presence of Jesus. 

Year 4

Year 4 learnt about the Jesse tree and the stories of Jesus' ancestors. The learnt about how important their relationships with God was. 

Year 5

Year 5 learnt that Catholics prepare to remember the first coming of Christ and prepare for his second coming. They looked at Angel Gabriel's message to Zechariah.

Year 6 

Year 6 learnt about the two parts of Advent. They wrote a guide of how to create a good Advent.