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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

In the family of St Paul's, we live and learn with Jesus' loving arms around us.





 Latin Intent
Languages are an essential part of a balanced and broad curriculum. Not only does it broaden our children’s knowledge of languages, it also helps them to celebrate languages they use themselves and aids them with communication and verbal precision. Similarly, it teaches acceptance of other cultures and gives the children an understanding of other places within the world.
At St Paul’s we intend to give our children knowledge of the ancient Latin language in order to enable them to make links with other global languages. Latin is a language that has formed the basis for many modern languages and the English we predominantly speak today. Here at St Paul's we believe it is vital for our children to understand where our language has originated from and how it has developed over the years. By understanding this language in more detail, it enables children to make strong links with grammar and spelling therefore helping their reading and writing to also improve across all subject areas. At our school we feel that this is particularly important. Professionals feel that Latin helps with sentence structure and with knowledge of word placement within sentences. It will give our children a solid understanding of nouns, pronouns, verbs and adjectives which are used daily, along with many other aspects of writing. As well as this, Latin gives children a strong base for the future learning of more modern foreign languages as their sentence structures are similar and many of their words have originated from Latin.
Latin is taught throughout Key Stage 2 where we are following the Maximum Classics scheme, working our way through a series of exciting and interactive lessons which allow children to play with word order and learn new vocabulary which can be translated into English lessons and Minimus which works through chapters following a Roman family, extending the knowledge further with added in cross curricular links with History, Geography and Mathematics. The children will learn a range of new vocabulary, word endings to determine who or what and how suffixes and prefixes are formed. It is also very interesting finding out where our words originate from, many of them having Latin roots.








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