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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

In the family of St Paul's, we live and learn with Jesus' loving arms around us.



Welcome to Reception's Class page


        Miss Mochan       Mrs O'Neill               


   Our values for this half term are...                                                            Our class saint is.....

              Curious and Active                                                                                  Saint Paul

                                                                                         26 St paul ideas | saint paul, paul the apostle, saints 


Catholic Social Teaching: Dignity of the Human Person

                                                                                                               Canvas Print - Life and Dignity of the Human Person by M. McGrath


In Reception, we have discussed how everyone should be treated equally and fairly. 

We believe every human person is made in the image and likeness of God. This is a gift that we all share as fellow human beings; we are all infinitely loved by our Creator.

God is present in every human person.


Key Information

Tuesday - Children come to school in P.E. Kit. 

Friday - Children come to school in old clothes for outdoor learning.

Please ensure that your child brings in a water bottle that is clearly named. 

Please ensure that all uniform is clearly named. 


 This half term in RE, we are learning about Creation. We will be recalling the key parts of the creation story, and children will be recognising their gifts and talents which have been given to them by God. 



Children will be learning how to segment and blend phase two phonemes (sounds). 


As the Reception year progresses and children become more and more secure with their phonics, they will begin to read books that match their phonic ability. We used a Guided Reading carousel so that every child is heard read every day to practice their phonic and comprehension skills. Each session will start with a short phonic/word game to practice skills in isolation. The structure is as follows...


Monday- children are given a book that is matched to their phonic ability. They will use Monday to decode the text, sounding out and blending any words they may find tricky. The focus is purely on decoding.


Tuesday- once the child is familiar with the text and is starting to read it fluently, they will explore the expression and intonation used in the book. They will have a go at saying parts of the text in an angry voice or happy voice just like the characters!


Wednesday- now that the child is fully fluent with the text, they will begin to answer questions about what they have read. This will not be recorded by the child but recorded by the adult in their reading record. This book then goes home to be read to and celebrated by parents!


 Our text for this half term is 'Owl Babies'.




This half term, we are focusing on adding up to 5. 

Understanding the World

This half term, our unit is called 'Superheros'. We will learn about all the people in society who are heros and help us in our daily life. We might also be looking at some other superheros and thinking about what superpowers we would like to have. 


In Art, we will be learning all about Vincent Van Gough. We will look at his many art pieces and replicate them using a variety of materials.


 In Music, we will be listening to and joining in with a range of nursery rhymes and even learning some new ones!