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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

In the family of St Paul's, we live and learn with Jesus' loving arms around us.



                                                                  Welcome to Year 4


                             Miss Kaur                                                                                                                                                                               

Welcome to Year 4's Class page. Our values and virtues this half term are  Learned and Wise. We will spend time examining Scripture and the teachings of the Bible so that we are able to see God in all things and use this amazing knowledge to be wise in how we then treat others around us.  We will spend time learning about how to use our words, skills and attributes for the common good as the words of God are a great guide to knowing how to live our lives. 


This half term, our catholic social teaching focus is the Dignity of Work.  We are very keen to deepen our understanding of what this means and why it is important to see work as something that God has given us to do so that we have a positive attitude to it. We will look at why it is important to understand that people should be treated with dignity and respect in the workplace. We shall also look at what it means to be treated fairly, examining the importance of paying a fair wage and its impact on the lives of workers. Alongside, ensuring that we understand that all people from all backgrounds and faith have the right to be treated with respect and feel safe within their workplace. We hope to instil a healthy, godly attitude within the children about how to view work.  

        Saint Josephina Bakhita

                             Please click on the picture to find out more about our class saint.                                                                                                                                                             


Welcome to Year 4

Class notices

  • We have PE on a Tuesday so full kit must be worn in school.
  • Water bottles are to be brought into school and taken home each day.
  • Reading books and diaries are to be taken home each night and diaries to be signed each night.
  • Spellings are given every Friday in their reading diaries for a spelling test on the following Friday. 
  • Maths homework is given out every Friday and this is needs to be completed and in on the following Friday.
  • Grammar homework is given out every week on Friday and needs to be completed and in on the following Friday
  • We love Times Table Rock Stars! Please use it at home. and check your timestables on 
  • Remember! Excellent handwriting means that you can earn the right to use a pen in class! Keep practising! 


This half-term, we will be reading the Great Kapok Tree and using this book as a platform to write persuasively to prevent the destruction of the rainforest.  We will also spend time developing oracy within the classroom to improve children's spoken language to be able to hold debates and balanced arguments. 



Reading Champions!



Year 4 love to read and we have a huge selection of books school library to suit every pupil's taste. Once we complete our star test, we can select books that correspond to our ZPD code. We complete tests on the Accelerated Reader programme and expand our vocabulary with every new book we read. 


This term, we will be learning about length and perimeter of regular and irregular polygons. Learning to understand how to find the missing lengths by using the knowledge that is presented. We will move onto studying fractions: counting beyond 1, understanding mixed numbers and how they are ordered on a number line, add and subtract fractions and convert fractions from mixed numbers to improper fractions and vice-versa. Finally, we will move onto decimals, understanding the value of each digit, relating them to fractions before carrying out calculations concerning decimals. 

In June, we will be preparing for the national times tables test but we are very confident that we will do well because we are practicing on TT Rockstars every day. In school we also use  which children can check they are getting full marks and there are activities to check children's speed. If they can do this as well as TT Rockstars then hopefully all that work over the past year will pay off! The more practise they get, the more accurate their answers will be.


Remember, we have to be accurate in our answers to pass the Times tables test so practice every night and be ready each day in class for new challenges. Who will be the most accurate pupil in the class?

                      Religious Education


   Our Prayer table.


This half term we will be focusing 'Jesus Light of the World and Beloved Son' unit in our Religious Education lessons. We will also be celebrating the Feast of the Sacred Heart and our Patron Saints Feast Day, St Paul.



This term we will be learning about sound which will look at how sound is heard, how it travels and how its pitch and volume can be change. We will then move onto looking States of Matter which will examine the properties of different materials, their strengths, weaknesses and purposes. Finally, children will study  electricity which will look at understanding how electricity is conducted and insulated, how circuits are created and which materials are best to use when working with electricity. Within in each of these units we will learn the theory before applying in context. Children learn to carry out various experiments, test materials, learn to hypothesise, evaluate their findings before presenting their results. 






This term, we will explore the period of the Restoration Plague and the Glorious Revolution.We will look at how history is changed and shaped by key events and leaders. We will examine their impact then and how that impact has shaped the current society. Throughout it all, we will examine the power struggle that has existed between monarchy and parliament.   


In Geography, we will be exploring Eastern Europe where will study not only its physical geography but also its human geography. We will spend time looking at the areas of interest that tourists like to visit and why before studying its political history which defines it today. As the term progresses, we will move onto looking at Africa. Here we will study the culture, diet and physical landscape that helps form its various communities. 




In Art, we are going to study Design in Art . We will recognise the different elements of art which include line, shape, form, space, light, texture, and colour. Children will be taught that design, or composition means how these elements, or ingredients in the work of art work together to make a coherent whole. They will examine the work of Matisse. After this, we will move onto the needlework and embroidery. We will study the works of  Kate Farrer and Norman Hartnell for inspiration. Children will learn different to cross stitch and weaving to create their creations.



This term, we will learning about Elements of Music and the different terminology like: treble clef, stave, crotchet. Children spend time studying how to write notes and create their own music sheet. After this, pupils will spend time studying Country Music and will listen to and discuss certain musicians, compare them, learn what makes them different, identify which instruments are used. Study its history, understand how it has changed, before they write their own country music piece to perform.