Morning Teo!
First job - practise those spellings for 20 minutes then get mum to test you on them.
9am - Get onto to BGFL and PowerPoint to create an informative and exciting presentation all about the Waseley Hills.
Consider these things (1 per slide):
What is their location?
How high are the hills and what other physical features do they have?
When would be a good time to go walking there and why? (Seasons)
What other facilities do they have? (cafe etc)
Why should we visit a place like this? (Any health benefits?) - persuade me to go there
Use images/videos and a good colour scheme that will stand out - prepare to present this at 1pm this afternoon after lunch.
We can't wait to see what you have created!
If you get all this finished then read your accelerated reader book ready to quiz when you get into school.