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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

In the family of St Paul's, we live and learn with Jesus' loving arms around us.


  1. News
  2. Easter holiday letter from Mrs Damms

Easter holiday letter from Mrs Damms

3 April 2020 (by admin)

St. Paul’s Catholic Primary School
Sisefield Road, Kings Norton
Birmingham B38 9JB

Telephone: 0121 464 1546 Fax: 0121 464 2650
Principal: Nichola Damms


3rd April 2020

Good morning children,

Gosh I am missing you all. I hope that you are all keeping well during these times when many schools have had to close, and we must stay at home for long periods of time. Life may feel very different now; you are spending more time at home than at school and you cannot meet your friends or play out! Just keep remembering this won’t last forever.

I hope that you are enjoying all the activities and Work from Home pages on the school website, staff are working extremely hard and constantly updating it for you. Please keep learning “The more you learn, the more you know, the more you know, the more you grow!”

Today would have marked the beginning of the Easter holidays for us and as of today your teachers will not be putting up daily work on the website. Spend some quality time with your families, play a board game together, start a talent show, pray as a family. I want you to think of this time at home not as a sad time or a time to worry but I want you to call it your special time at home. Relax and enjoy the time together – we will be setting homework again after the Easter break.

With this in mind I am delighted to be able to tell you that Dan and Emily from One Life Music, whom we know very well at St Paul’s have kindly recorded a liturgy for you to share as a family at home. They are hoping that they can do this weekly. You can access it from the link below. It is such a wonderful way to bring us together as a big St Paul’s family of prayer and I am sure that we will all be strengthened by it. Please do put aside some time as a family to share this wonderful resource. Don’t forget that this Sunday marks the start of Holy Week with Palm Sunday.

Parents I want to remind you that although the teachers won’t be setting work over the next two weeks I want to reassure you that we are all still here behind the scenes providing any support and help that we can for you. and email addresses will continued to be checked and monitored – we are all in this together. Please do not hesitate to get in touch should you need us.

On behalf of the whole staff team here at St Paul’s, we send best wishes to you all for a holy and blessed Easter.

God bless and stay safe,

Mrs Damms