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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

In the family of St Paul's, we live and learn with Jesus' loving arms around us.


  1. News
  2. FSM Letter

FSM Letter

24 March 2020 (by admin)

St. Paul’s Catholic Primary School
Sisefield Road, Kings Norton
Birmingham B38 9JB

Telephone: 0121 464 1546
Principal: Nichola Damms

Good morning to our St Paul's family,

I hope that you are all keeping safe and washing your hands regularly. We are doing everything possible here to ensure that all children are looked after and catered for. Class teachers will be calling children weekly to speak to the children. Most teachers have put their e-mail address on the work from home section of the website so that the children can e-mail them should they wish to.

We still haven't had any delivery of bread however we are utilising the bagels here to put together take away bags for our free school meals children. They will be available to collect daily until 11am.

Ideally we would prefer it if you were not having to come out of your houses to collect these so are desperately trying to get a voucher system up and running. I urge you to fill out the form below so that hopefully from next week on we you can be issued a voucher to be used in a local supermarket.

Please note that this is only for our registered Free School Meal children (not Universal Free School Meals). If you are unsure if you qualify for this please call the school office where they can check.

Thank you for keeping your children indoors and helping to slow the spread of the terrifying virus.

Stay safe all and God bless,

Mrs N Damms