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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

In the family of St Paul's, we live and learn with Jesus' loving arms around us.


  1. News
  2. Confirmation Letter

Confirmation Letter

11 February 2020 (by admin)

St. Paul’s Catholic Primary (NC) School 

Sisefield Road, Kings Norton, 

Birmingham B38 9JB 

Telephone: 0121 464 1546   Fax: 0121 464 2650 

Principal: Nichola Damms 



Tuesday 11th February 2020 


Dear Parents/carers, 



Sacrament of Confirmation 



Your child will be making the sacrament of Confirmation this year. 


We have been in regular communication with Fr Barry, who has contacted the Bishop’s secretary to confirm a date for Confirmation.  The Bishop has decided that he would like St. Paul’s and St. Joseph’s to make their Confirmation together this year with Canon David Evans confirming the children. We apologise for the short notice of the date, however, we have only been notified ourselves today. 


Confirmation will take place on Thursday 12th March at 7pm in 

St Joseph & St Helen Church, 84 Northfield Road, Kings Norton, B30 1JG. 


What is Confirmation? 

Just as bodies and minds grow, Catholics believe that the soul also needs to grow in the life of grace. The Sacrament of Confirmation builds on the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, and Holy Communion, completing the process of initiation into the Catholic community. 


What the Catholic Sacrament of Confirmation means 

Confirmation, a Sacrament of initiation, establishes young adults as fully-fledged members of the faith. This Sacrament is called Confirmation because the faith given in Baptism is now confirmed and made strong. During Baptism, parents and godparents make promises to renounce evil and believe in God and the Church on their children’s behalf. At Confirmation, the children renew those same promises, but this time speaking for themselves. 

During Confirmation, the focus is on the Holy Spirit, who confirmed the apostles on Pentecost and gave them courage to practice their faith. Catholics believe that the same Holy Spirit confirms Catholics during the Sacrament of Confirmation and gives them the same gifts. 



The Catholic ritual of Confirmation 

The Confirmation ceremony takes place at Mass, and the presiding bishop wears red vestments to symbolise the red tongues of fire seen hovering over the heads of the apostles at Pentecost. Each person wishing to be confirmed comes forward with his or her sponsor, who may or may not be one of the godparents chosen for Baptism. (Please see information on choosing Sponsors below) 


Confirmation Name 

During the preparation for Confirmation your child will select their own Confirmation name - which will be the name of a Saint or Holy person. They will be supported with their choice of name at school but any additional help you can offer at home would be very much appreciated - perhaps by talking with your child about patron saints who share their birthday or a special person in your family who has the name of a saint.  


The Rite of Confirmation: 

  1. The child stands or kneels before the Canon David. 
  1. The child’s sponsor lays one hand on their shoulder and says their Confirmation name. 
  1. Canon David anoints the child by using oil of Chrism (a consecrated oil) to make the Sign of the Cross on their forehead while saying their Confirmation name and “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.” 
  1. The child responds, “Amen.” 

      then says, “Peace be with you.” 

  1. To which the child replies, “And with your spirit.” 


Choosing a Confirmation Sponsor 

What is a Sponsor? 

A sponsor is a person who encourages and assists a candidate to embrace and actively practice the Catholic faith both before and after Confirmation. The sponsor also presents the candidate to the Bishop at the celebration of Confirmation. 

Who can be a Sponsor? 

Being a sponsor is not just an honour. The sponsor must be an active, practicing Catholic who can be a role model for the candidate. Ideally, you should choose one of your godparents from Baptism, provided he or she meets the above guidelines. If it is not possible to choose a Godparent as your sponsor (e.g. they are deceased, live too far away, or are no longer a practicing Catholic), then you might ask someone else whom you see as an example of a committed, practicing Catholic. This could be a grandparent, aunt or uncle, other relative, family friend, parent of one of your friends, a teacher. The requirements of the Catholic Church say that a sponsor: 

  • May be either a man or a woman (sponsors do not have to be the same gender as the candidate) 
  • Must be a fully initiated Roman Catholic (Baptised, Confirmed and has made First Communion) 
  • Is a person who regularly comes to Mass and celebrates the Sacraments 
  • Must be at least 16 years old 
  • Should not be the parent of the candidate 


A Prayer to Help Choose a Sponsor 

Holy Spirit, helper and guide, 

Give me wisdom as I choose my Confirmation sponsor. 

Help me to choose a person of prayer 

Who will teach me also to be a person of prayer 

Who will support me in difficult times, 

Who will guide me to make good choices, 

And who will challenge me when I do not. 

Help me to choose someone who will love me and teach me to love Jesus. 

Thank you for giving me a community of people around me to support and guide me as I take this important step in becoming more fully a member of your Church. 




A meeting has been arranged for Wednesday 26th February (3.15 - 4pm) in the year 6 classroom. It is very important that somebody attends this meeting as finer detail will be given regarding logistics of the day.  

If you need any more information or have any questions, please feel free to speak to Mrs Barton or myself. 


Yours sincerely 


Mrs N Damms