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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

In the family of St Paul's, we live and learn with Jesus' loving arms around us.


  1. News
  2. Top Tips for preparing your child for returning to school

Top Tips for preparing your child for returning to school

3 June 2020 (by admin)

Preparing your child for

returning to school

With plans being made to reopen schools for more

pupils, as a parent or carer you may feel concerned

about your child returning to school, especially if they

find change difficult to handle

Here are some things that you can do to help prepare your child and to gain a sense

of control over the uncertainties

1)Think about your child’s individual needs: each young person has their own personality, strengths

and requirements so will need different preparation and support.

2)Find out your child’s worries: are they worried about catching the virus or family members getting

sick? Once you know their concerns, you can provide them with information and reassurance to help

them feel safe at school.

3)Share with teachers and support staff your family’s lockdown experience, as this will affect

how your child will feel about returning to school. For some families, just getting through each day

has been the priority, while others will have lost someone close to them. This will help school staff to

provide the support your child needs.

4)Work together with your child’s teacher and other professionals to agree a ‘return to school’ plan.

It will help to think about what time your child will start and finish school, who will meet them and

where they’ll spend breaktime. You can add more details as they become known.

5)Use your child’s preferred communication method. Your child could help write their own ‘return to

school’ plan. Other children may find symbols, photos or videos more helpful. Social stories which use

short descriptions of a situation or activity can help children understand and cope with changes.

6)Think about what will be the same when your child returns to school, such as their teachers and

uniform. Focusing on this first will be reassuring and help reduce their anxiety.

7)Find out how the school environment will be different, such as the number of desks in

classrooms. School staff may be able to provide photos or videos so your child can see what school

will look like. Remember, certain changes may benefit your child, for example fewer children may

reduce the risk of sensory overload.

8)Consider how changes to school routines and activities will affect your child: for example, there

could be new rules about entering and moving around school. Some activities that your child enjoys

may not be allowed, such as swimming. Help your child to understand those changes to their school

day and why they are happening.

9)Think about what you learned about your child during lockdown. Did certain activities calm your

child down? Did regular movement breaks improve their focus? Share this with their teacher. It could

also help to continue some of the activities you started in lockdown once schools reopen.

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