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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

In the family of St Paul's, we live and learn with Jesus' loving arms around us.


  1. News
  2. Feast of the Ascension and Holyday of Obligation

Feast of the Ascension and Holyday of Obligation

20 May 2020 (by admin)

 20th May 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,

Tomorrow, 21st May, is the feast of the Ascension and a Holyday of Obligation. Under normal circumstances, all of the children would attend a Mass or service at school to celebrate this feast.

The Archdiocese has contacted us today to tell us that there is a special Ascension Day Mass for children being streamed: Fr. Anton from the Oratory is celebrating a Mass for children on Thursday 21 May 9:00

Please make time to join that Mass from home.


God bless and stay safe,
Mrs Damms